It has been almost a month since Sarah posted the beautiful pictures of baby Madilyn! Who, by the way, is a beautiful baby! Congratulations Mike and Liz! How was Halloween for everyone? Anyone have pictures? Heather did send an email with Halle's pictures - send more Heather! When is your baby due??
Any other news out there? What is everyone doing for Christmas?? Thanksgiving?? Please take lots of pictures for me and post them! This is the time of the year when I start feeling homesick a little and want to be with my family back home - so pictures will definately help!
We will be spending thanksgiving here at home with friends - quiet and nice! And last year, we began what I hope will be a new tradition of going out to a wonderful brunch at a fancy hotel! It was so easy and yummy and with a chocolate fountain for desert - i couldn't have asked for anything more!
Please keep Hannah in your prayers as the news was not good this week when they found an agressive mass near her airway. They will stop chemo and begin radiation this week. Also - Hannah's son Jeffrey lost his dad this past year to Lou Gerrigs disease and I am sure he may be having a hard time with this going on with his mom.
Well, I hope all is well - and of course, I am including pictures of my kids!! LOL, One is at Sea Life park with a friend, Dean was able to go back to MD for a NASCAR race -there is a picture of them....and of course, Halloween! Check out Griffyn's fake teeth she just had to wear! Enjoy!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and please send a post soon!!
Lots of love and aloha!