Thanks for all of the well wishes to the new family--I am passing them all on to Mike and Liz! As per the MANY requests, here are more pictures of the new arrival (please note the Redskins blanket--Dad would be so proud!) Most of the pictures are from her first hour of life outside the womb. At the end there is also a picture from Mom's trip to Salisbury. She, Aunt Pat and Uncle Chuck all took off the morning after Madilyn's arrival to visit Uncle Ronnie and Hannah (as well as Connie and Christian + families). They had a great time and were very happy to get to visit with everyone! As you can see they also had a great time on Connie and Henry's farm! Those pumpkins in the background look incredible by the way! I wish we could all take a fall adventure to the Oakley Farm Market! Hope everyone is well!
Love to all!
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