Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hello to all,

I was making a scrapbook for Dad lastweek of all the pictures from Granny's funeral and I came across this photo, Does anyone remember what year this was?

Thanks to everyone for sharing the photos.

I had dinner with Michelle last week. She looks great! Seems very happy living IN THE MIDDLE OF NO WHERE!! Boy I thought the eaasternshore was bad. Actually it is very pretty in western maryland. Alot more hills than here on the FLAT Eastern Shore! Some really good food there also!

Happy Belated Birthday Ronnie! Hope it was a fun one!

Love to all Connie

Friday, February 23, 2007

Michelle's boys

I started playing around with how to add
pictures. It took me forever to figure out how
this works. I'm not very computer literate.
Here is a picture of my boys at a lake near my house.


Hello from Michelle

Hi family,

Charlotte thanks for setting up this wonderful blog where we can all keep updated on what's going on with our lives.

Connie was in my neck of the woods for a farmer's conference, and we've had dinner together the last two days. Henry stayed home to work on the farm, but we had a great time with a couple friend of theirs.

It was so great to see all of you again, and I hope we can see each other soon at a family reunion. Anyone have thoughts on the reunion? Mother's Day at Richmond park?

My boys are doing well. Jeremy turned 14 in December and is 3 inches taller than his mom now. Josh turned 12 last week and is funny as ever. They both are in all advanced classes in middle school and make straight A's. Mark and I have no idea how we got such smart and good children. I'm doing well and staying busy with teaching Kindergarten, working part-time at a jewelry store every other weekend and two nights a week. As if that's not enough, I've started a new Master's program in Early Childhood education. I'm supposed to be reading and writing a paper tonight, but am avoiding doing the work.

Love to all and hope to hear from you soon,

Thursday, February 22, 2007

From Little Ronne

Hi to all the family ! Sorry I haven't been more interactive but the last couple months have been my "busy" season. I was great to see everyone at Granny's funeral, see and Pat would both have been so please to see the family they loved so much all together. Nothing made either any happier than to be surrounded by the chaos of everyone together and talking and laughing not to mention eating. There has never been a Goodwin event that good food was not a prominent part of. Thanks for the great pictures that were sent via e-mail it is wonderful to be able to connect so quickly when we are spread so far apart.
Great new look for Sarah with the hair cut, you look like a career woman now and congrats on the interviews you recently had. Thanks to Jay for being the "super hero" and rescuing you from the blizzard at Dulles. Happy 31 st Birthday also Sarah ! Speaking of Birthdays the wonderful book The Cat in the Hat turns 50 this year! Silly you may say but there is not one of us that hasn't had the book read to us or not read it to a child and enjoyed it. In honor of the "Cat" , Random House with First Book ( a group that gets books to low income children that might not other wise own their own book) has a promotion, if you will take the time to go to seussville.com/CITH_50th/ and follow the directions for send an E-Card they will provide a free book to a needy child for each E-card sent. It is a bit of wimsy and fun but it also is a very worthy cause. So often we forget the fun in our day to day life and this would make such a difference with the many family members we have and feel free to pass the site on to others. Our own "Cat in the Hat" Dave will be reading to 2nd graders dressed as the Cat as part of the Birthday celebration. Look forward to hearing from you all soon, anymore ideas aboiut a warm weather get together?
Love and Prayers to all, Little Ronnie

Monday, February 19, 2007

After a weekend of not having a computer (I thought I would die!) - Ok - I did have my laptop - but it is just not the same! I have a new hard drive and am now rebuilding all my programs. So, you will be seeing lots more photos and be hearing lots more from me! I feel like this is a great way to keep in touch - I feel so far away sometimes and this helps bring us all back together.
So, to update you from the land of paradise.
I had a friend visiting last week and we went to the Probowl. But, before we did that on Saturday, we also went to the hotel where the football players were staying (it happens to be the only hotel on our side of the island with 4 beautiful lagoons!) So, off we went with my 3 and 8 year old (who, by the way, knows nothing about football) and my friend and her 10 year old (who knows everything about football!) So, while the kids were playing on the beach - we did see a few people walking by and I just figured the buff, hefty guys were football players. So, I sent my friend, Terry, with her son's football cards to get autographs. As she was turned down for one autograph because she asked if this guy was Tony and then handed him a card to sign of - you guessed it - the wrong Tony. So, walking back to our blanket, head hung low and embarrassed - I am pointing at another guy walking who looked like a player (again - that handsome, buff kind of guy) - and she immediately knew who it was! It was Zach Thomas of the Miami Dolphins... she was so excited -got an autograph, and I sent my camera over with Gabriel and she is trying to take a picture and sweet Mr. Zach tells her that it really helps when the camera is on! LOL -that was the only football story we had for the weekend! That same time - at the lagoons (which are only about 4 feet deep at the most) a guy drowns while snorkeling. I thought he was about 40 - but the paper said that he was only 27. I have never seen anyone drown for as long as I have been going to the beach!
Anyone watch LOST???? So, what is up with that? Now, that it is back on - I am soooo curious as to how Juliette and the "project" came to be.... what about Greys Anatomy?? Is she really dead?

I love seeing all the posts - Strouds - you can dictate for your mom! Hirtz's - where oh where are you all????? Smith's - Aunt Audrey can just post as a comment and I will move it to a post. Saenz's - lets hear more from you all! Goodwins - (both sets) - Christian - where are you??? You computer teacher you - lets hear from you! Drew - are you out there??? I am glad to see all the aunts and uncles getting on here!

Well - I should go feed my children dinner - it is a little cool out tonight - must be low 70's - just had to throw that in!
Lots of ALOHA!!
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

No Sleeping at Dulles!

Hey Everyone -- Sarah & Jay here. For those who haven't been paying attention to the weather on the east coast, it's pretty ugly. Icing and sleeting here in DC, snowing heavily north of here - something like 1-2 feet of snow expected in Syracuse - where Sarah is a) going to school and b) trying to fly to. Sooooo -- Sarah's flight this evening was canceled, and it's rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon (yeah, right!). We got Krispy Kreme's on the way home, so breakfast is covered - and we'll hang out here at my place until it's time to drive back out to the airport.

I'm (Jay) quite pleased to see that both of my parents have managed to find the blog and post to it --- I feel your pain, Kelly!!!!

Enough for now....

Monday, February 12, 2007


I have spent so much time trying to talk/email my mom....Aunt Audrey into this site that my disdain for it has grown by leaps and bounds.
Yes, I know that if she ever gets into this she will see this posting.
Otherwise, I do love her dearly. (DID I feel like I had to write that thinking she may get into the blogs?) YES...obligatory message mom.

Fortunately, I do love you so much mom. Hope the rest of the family is great. Love Kelly (no I did not feel obliged to write that to you all)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

From Aunt Paula

Charlotte,I finally got around to reading all the comments and posting. What a wonderful way to communicate for the family. Our weather seems to be the news here...cold..hasn't been above freezing in two weeks. We are expecting more snow on Monday, have six inches on the ground now. We are paying for our very mild fall and December. Have enjoyed all the pictures that everyone posted. Jay and Tonia gave John and I a digital camera for Christmast so maybe we will have some pictures to post eventually. Cameron, SEan, Jay, Tonia, Nana, John and I are going on an Alaska cruise in June. Stay tuned for pictures.Love to all.....Aunt Paula
February 10, 2007 8:24 PM

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Hello to all, life is good here on the good ol' Eastern Shore. A little cold but I guess that is what winter is for. Everyone is doing good, the boys are in the middle of wrestling season. Not good enough to go to states this year but still trying. Dad is in Florida for the month of Feb.- he calls almost daily with the warm weather report. Greeting the walker-byers and drinking cold beer - Life can't get much worse. I hope to get to see Michelle on another week or so, otherwise we haven't been away at all this winter. We have a conference to go to over in Solomons Island. Henry has finally finished hunting for the winter. Not such a good hunting year - it was too warm most of the winter. Thomas did kill his first deer (by himself) back in November. Jacob shot his first deer this year with the help of Pop-Pop. Our freezer is full of ducks and deer now.
Well back to my paper work. I will write again later. Love to all..

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

From Carmen....

Carmen said...
Charlotte-Thank you so much for creating this! I agree with Kelly - I think this is very cool. It is great to be able to catch up with everyone at once. Working and going to school full time doesn't leave a lot of time for catching up with everyone.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

From Uncle Gerry

Haven't got it all figured out yet but I will try and see what happens. Cam, you forget that old farts can use computers also. Sara I forgot that Katie and i are not the farthest nort (in snow country) any more. Even then it has snowed every day for 19 consecutive days in Akron. cold but not tons of snow. In case anyone is interested (Drew and Jay maybe since you both went to UofA (Fear the Roo!) the men's BB team is 16-3 and leads the MAC. t this rate probABLY WILL GET A ncaa BID. Charlotte, do you really have an open door policy? What happens when several families decide to visit at the same time without telling each other first. Got to work and get ready for tomorrow. Will see if this posts. LTAUncle Gerry/Dad


Hello all..
Not much going on , waiting for the snow that does not seem to want to come (snow means overtime),so here i sit waiting , waiting , waiting.........................

From Aunt Florence....

OBX MOM (Aunt Florence):SOOOO glad to have a way to keep up with the cousins and their lives! Everyone just grew up overnight and I am sooo proud of each of you. Your accomplishments just amaze me! Keep it up!Life way down here in Hyde county is SLOW. But we stay really busy with church work. I am still sewing and now quilting too! I can't imagine life any other way!!Our weather is warmer here than most of you but still stays very wet. Since we are below sea level, the wet stays here forever.We are getting our house lifted in April so here goes another adventure!If ANYONE comes to the outer banks-I want to know and we would love to meet you and visit for a spell!!Take care and God Bless!
OBX Florence