Hello Family!
It was so great to see so many of you this weekend and share Mike and Liz's wedding day with you! We have such a fun family! I was wondering if you have photos from the wedding if you would please send them to me at sarahestroud@gmail.com I'm trying to collect them. Thanks Jay for already posting some!
Love you guys,
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Hi to all, I heard the wedding was very pretty! Congratulations! The pics are really good. Beautiful Bride and of course groom. Looks like it was a fun time. Sorry we couldn't make it. This is our time of year to make money, and being Christian was off I couldn't spare my self. Sweating it out here on the shore. Sorry I missed you guys Peppy and family Monday. I work in our Berlin store on Mondays and Fridays. But call me next time you come through this way. We can do the RED ROOST! Some good eastern shore seafood.
Anyone doing any fun vacations this summer? Post your photos.
We aren't doing much but working right now so not to much to post or tell about. Thomas turns 12 on Monday! 12 going on 18. Boy I can't wait for the next 8-10 yrs to go by. I can't believe we were ever the way kids are now days when we were teenagers. He has to have a daily attitude adjustment to keep him level. Jacob is having a fun summer playing and working. I think he is gonna burn the tread right off the wheels of his 4wheeler. He zooms around the farm constantly. Henry is working hard farming and driving to Philly every Wed. night to buy the stuff we don't grow. All of our melons and veggies are beginning to ripen now so we are getting ready to get alot busier.
We have rented a house in Hatteras for the week before Thanksgiving so we are looking forward to some down time.
I better get back to work now, Just wanted to say Hi to everyone!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Mike & Liz Shroud Wedding
For a computer Techiee I'm working on writing this blog thingy on the fifth try now, seems I don't understand the "save now" verses Publish Post. and the 101 on adding photos isn't going so smoothly. None the less we had a great time and I've got great photos to share!
-Jay Soule' (Christian's husband - she's a cousin of your but not mine)
Alright I added a photo! Let's go for two now...
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Central VA Update
Hi to all in all distant corners of the country. Charlotte none of us are writing because the pictures of your kids are so great.... May have a lead on the Wii for your family will let you know if the shipment isn't gone by the time I get there. looks like some of the family will be gathering for the Stroud wedding hope to see many faces. All is well in Central VA life as usual with not alot more than wedding, funeral and anniversary flowers maybe I' ll post pictures of some of my work... My vegetable garden is going great guns with squash plants about 8 feet in diameter and producing daily. Dave is working with my Dad during the day and at Best Buy at night trying to save for spending money for when college starts in the fall. Mike is out wandering the wilds of Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico working with the EPA putting in ground systems to prevent the land from being toxic around oil well drilling sites. Seems to love the area but has discovered as small as Concord is it looks pretty huge compared to some of the towns he has found out west. Their current site is "a small speck of nothing in nowhereville " according to Mike, not even a hotel so they are living in a pop-up camper without shower facilities for the next two weeks, he can't wait to get back to their apartment for a hot shower and air conditioning. He will return to Lynchburg in time for school to start. Mom and Dad are doing well and looking forward to seeing all at VA Beach. Will try this again soon. Ronnie
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Mike's Wedding
Hello Family!
My summer is going well, I've just returned from San Diego where my friends Maren and Fred were married--a beautiful wedding on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific ocean! But, now I'm back in South Carolina and getting ready to drive to Virginia for yet another wedding (on the Atlantic) this weekend. Mom is very curious as to who is attending and when you are arriving, so if you could respond to this blog, or just e-mail me at sarahestroud@gmail.com that would be great! Can't wait to see you!
Love Sarah
My summer is going well, I've just returned from San Diego where my friends Maren and Fred were married--a beautiful wedding on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific ocean! But, now I'm back in South Carolina and getting ready to drive to Virginia for yet another wedding (on the Atlantic) this weekend. Mom is very curious as to who is attending and when you are arriving, so if you could respond to this blog, or just e-mail me at sarahestroud@gmail.com that would be great! Can't wait to see you!
Love Sarah
Monday, June 18, 2007
Happy Fathers Day

...to all the dad's out there... hope all the dads had a great day. We spent the day at the beach today - what a beautiful day it was here. Our neighbors have a Wii system and my kids and husband were over there playing all day yesterday. Dean says to me that he would love to have one for fathers day - and so there i am scrambling at the last minute to find one and did not. So, if anyone reading this has any access to a Wii system - i will send you some money! Since we are on an island - we have very limited stores that carry it anyway and as soon as they get them in - they are gone again.... so I am reaching out to my dear, sweet family!! Now, of course, since only Aunt Audrey has posted in the last few weeks - I am going to once again, have to share pictures of my children!!! The top one is Griffyn with Deans niece who is living with us for the summer. She is a VA tech student doing her internship here. See - get posting and I won't be forced to send even more pics!! Lots of love!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Aunt Audrey&Uncle Bill
Hi everyone, Bill and I just came back from Atlantic City to spend the$546 we won in Las Vegas. Plus the room was free. We had a great time but didn't fare as well. We took $400 to gamble ans came back with $200 and some change. It was worth it. We stayed at Caeser's which I wouldn't recommend. There were nice but an old hotel. Connected to it was Bailey's(where we stayn Vegas). We both still volunteer 3 half days a week at the AF hospital. Oh yes, I get acpuncture weekly for weight loss and have lost 27 lbs. since May 1st.Don't know whether this will go through as for some reason I am printing on a different format. Carmen isn't home to direct me. LOve one another. Aunt Audrey See youall at the wedding
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