After a weekend of not having a computer (I thought I would die!) - Ok - I did have my laptop - but it is just not the same! I have a new hard drive and am now rebuilding all my programs. So, you will be seeing lots more photos and be hearing lots more from me! I feel like this is a great way to keep in touch - I feel so far away sometimes and this helps bring us all back together.
So, to update you from the land of paradise.
I had a friend visiting last week and we went to the Probowl. But, before we did that on Saturday, we also went to the hotel where the football players were staying (it happens to be the only hotel on our side of the island with 4 beautiful lagoons!) So, off we went with my 3 and 8 year old (who, by the way, knows nothing about football) and my friend and her 10 year old (who knows everything about football!) So, while the kids were playing on the beach - we did see a few people walking by and I just figured the buff, hefty guys were football players. So, I sent my friend, Terry, with her son's football cards to get autographs. As she was turned down for one autograph because she asked if this guy was Tony and then handed him a card to sign of - you guessed it - the wrong Tony. So, walking back to our blanket, head hung low and embarrassed - I am pointing at another guy walking who looked like a player (again - that handsome, buff kind of guy) - and she immediately knew who it was! It was Zach Thomas of the Miami Dolphins... she was so excited -got an autograph, and I sent my camera over with Gabriel and she is trying to take a picture and sweet Mr. Zach tells her that it really helps when the camera is on! LOL -that was the only football story we had for the weekend! That same time - at the lagoons (which are only about 4 feet deep at the most) a guy drowns while snorkeling. I thought he was about 40 - but the paper said that he was only 27. I have never seen anyone drown for as long as I have been going to the beach!

Anyone watch LOST???? So, what is up with that? Now, that it is back on - I am soooo curious as to how Juliette and the "project" came to be.... what about Greys Anatomy?? Is she really dead?
I love seeing all the posts - Strouds - you can dictate for your mom! Hirtz's - where oh where are you all????? Smith's - Aunt Audrey can just post as a comment and I will move it to a post. Saenz's - lets hear more from you all! Goodwins - (both sets) - Christian - where are you??? You computer teacher you - lets hear from you! Drew - are you out there??? I am glad to see all the aunts and uncles getting on here!
Well - I should go feed my children dinner - it is a little cool out tonight - must be low 70's - just had to throw that in!
Lots of ALOHA!!