...since I posted pictures- or rather, since anyone posted anything! So, as promised you will be getting pictures of my kids! LOL! We are finally settling into the school year here. Gabriel is in 4th grade and Griffyn in her 4 year old preschool class. I have begun taking classes at the comm college to get a few credintials needed to be able to be the official director at a preschool. Because we have infants, I have to take a few classes. I will tell you - going to college much later in life is so much easier. Well, the classes themselves are easier, it is just the rearranging of schedules and the "will you be home for the kids and give them baths?" - that is the hard part.
Dean is now in VA and will be going to MD this weekend. He is going to make this an annual trip and go to the DOVER NASCAR race. He will be going with Chris (yes, my brother will actually come up for the event!), Henry & Jay (Christian & Connies husbands), Brian (his brother) and Ki ( a friend he brought from here). I have threatened him with lashes if he does not come back with lots of pictures! It would be way too much to ask him to download the pictures since all he knows how to do on the computer is IPOD stuff. But, Connie may come to the rescue! He will be going up to Salisbury on Sat nite and depending on how Hannah is doing - he will probably head back down to VA on Tuesday or Wed.
As for Hannah, she has started her chemo treatments - so far, so good according to Dad. She has just no energy level at all. So, send an email or a card. I am sure she would love to hear from anyone.
So, how is everyone?? Isn't Liz due soon?? How are you feeling?? Drew and Heather - how are you feeling?? Send updates!! ANYONE???
we are thinking of going to Washington DC in March for our vacation - Gabriel is so excited to see the WHITE HOUSE and Smithsonians. I have not been to DC in years - is there anyplace we should not miss? Where should we stay? We would also like to take the kids and go to Amish country and to the chocolate factory. Hershey park wont be open yet - but the factory will. So, send me a list of ideas.....!!
Ok - now is the moment you all have been dreading!!
Lots of love and aloha!!