Monday, February 12, 2007


I have spent so much time trying to talk/email my mom....Aunt Audrey into this site that my disdain for it has grown by leaps and bounds.
Yes, I know that if she ever gets into this she will see this posting.
Otherwise, I do love her dearly. (DID I feel like I had to write that thinking she may get into the blogs?) YES...obligatory message mom.

Fortunately, I do love you so much mom. Hope the rest of the family is great. Love Kelly (no I did not feel obliged to write that to you all)


Charleston Ceramics Repair said...

at least your mom has a computer! : )

mine is totally jealous of all of the communication!

Goodwin Family said...

That would be a good mother's day gift from you all!! Okay, I do know that u are a poor college student....but not for long.