Thursday, February 22, 2007

From Little Ronne

Hi to all the family ! Sorry I haven't been more interactive but the last couple months have been my "busy" season. I was great to see everyone at Granny's funeral, see and Pat would both have been so please to see the family they loved so much all together. Nothing made either any happier than to be surrounded by the chaos of everyone together and talking and laughing not to mention eating. There has never been a Goodwin event that good food was not a prominent part of. Thanks for the great pictures that were sent via e-mail it is wonderful to be able to connect so quickly when we are spread so far apart.
Great new look for Sarah with the hair cut, you look like a career woman now and congrats on the interviews you recently had. Thanks to Jay for being the "super hero" and rescuing you from the blizzard at Dulles. Happy 31 st Birthday also Sarah ! Speaking of Birthdays the wonderful book The Cat in the Hat turns 50 this year! Silly you may say but there is not one of us that hasn't had the book read to us or not read it to a child and enjoyed it. In honor of the "Cat" , Random House with First Book ( a group that gets books to low income children that might not other wise own their own book) has a promotion, if you will take the time to go to and follow the directions for send an E-Card they will provide a free book to a needy child for each E-card sent. It is a bit of wimsy and fun but it also is a very worthy cause. So often we forget the fun in our day to day life and this would make such a difference with the many family members we have and feel free to pass the site on to others. Our own "Cat in the Hat" Dave will be reading to 2nd graders dressed as the Cat as part of the Birthday celebration. Look forward to hearing from you all soon, anymore ideas aboiut a warm weather get together?
Love and Prayers to all, Little Ronnie

1 comment:

Goodwin Family said...

Hey girl,

Happy 50th Birthday! I hope you have a big celebration planned. It was great seeing you again and hope we can all see each other soon at the reunion, whenever that may be.

Thanks for the info about the Dr.Suess books. I teach in an at-risk school and have many little ones without books. I've been spreading the news to other teachers as well.
