Sunday, August 23, 2009

News from the East Coast...

Hi all,
Michelle receved her Masters with honors a couple of weeks ago(all A's). She is taking a couple of more classes.
Audrey is still entering contests, doesn't win much- but Monday won a BIG one! A $1000 gift certificare from Cabella'. We are going to Las Vegas in Oct when it is a little cooler. Audrey and Bill have already booked a cruise--18days- to Rio de Jenera. Unlike Connie on her cruise we have not had a total of about 4 days of rain and 1 of bad weather. Little Cooper is adorable. You look at him and he laughs! Baby Daisy will be cute- she looks like Poncho! I am sorry this is so long. One of these days I will master this beast????? It has taken me 1/2 hour to type it. Oh yes, the spelling correction doesn't work. Thanks.
Love to all,Aunt Audrey
God Bless

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Michele and I have a new addition to the family her name, Daisy Marilyn Saenz ,born Aug. 7 at 19:53 9 pounds 21 and 1/4 inches we are at home now with mom and Daisy resting quietly . My only question when we put her head under the water to wash her hair it seems to trigger a crying cycle and i cant seem to find the off switch so if anyone knows where they hide this thing PLEASE im all ears here. No im only kidding she is so good at this time that i could not ask for any better . Ok im going to do my daddy dutyies .
Poncho , Michele , Daisey.