Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Congrats to Michelle and Poncho

As Jay said... get lots of sleep now! That was the best advice I got... I pretty much slept the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy! Keep us posted!
Cameron and Sean- How are things going with you?
Here are a couple new photos of Cooper... he is 2 weeks old today!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

New member of the family coming

hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. Me and poncho are soo happy to announce that we are expecting our first bundle of joy. the baby is due to arrive in the early part of august
this is the latest picture of the baby we have as we get new pictures i will post more we go back to the doctors in 2 weeks this photo is a week old

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mele Kalikimaka

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas - I will put more posts over on the Maddock Ohana blog... meanwhile, here is our Christmas Card for those who I have missed this year!! Lots of Love!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


the pic below is supposed to say
Merry christmas to all! Everyone post some pics. Tell how your holiday was!

For some reason the message went sigle letter down the side of the card! well whatever. Have a safe holiday.


Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas to all!

Everyone post some Christmas pics!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cooper Timothy Soule - born 8lbs- 7ozs at 2:43 am 12/16/08 21 inches long!

Mother & Baby are fine - Daddy is a lot too tired! Labor lasted 10 hours and was delivered naturally with no complications! Christian had little pain overall. Thanks for the text messages & calls.
-Daddy Jay (from the hospital)

He is here!

Cooper Timothy Soule has arrived!! Christian and baby are doing great!! december 16, 2:43am. 8lbs 8oz!
Congratulations christian and jay!

Monday, December 15, 2008

A baby is on its way!!

Christian is now in the hospital awaiting the birth of Baby Soule" (sex is unknown). She has been in since about 11am EST and has just had an epidural... Mom should be there by now, she drove up this morning from NC. Connie is helping out as well. As soon as I know something, I will post!! She is at Pennisula General Hospital Medical Center.

Monday, December 8, 2008

merry christmas everyone

love poncho and michele