Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Congrats to Michelle and Poncho

As Jay said... get lots of sleep now! That was the best advice I got... I pretty much slept the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy! Keep us posted!
Cameron and Sean- How are things going with you?
Here are a couple new photos of Cooper... he is 2 weeks old today!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

New member of the family coming

hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. Me and poncho are soo happy to announce that we are expecting our first bundle of joy. the baby is due to arrive in the early part of august
this is the latest picture of the baby we have as we get new pictures i will post more we go back to the doctors in 2 weeks this photo is a week old

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mele Kalikimaka

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas - I will put more posts over on the Maddock Ohana blog... meanwhile, here is our Christmas Card for those who I have missed this year!! Lots of Love!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


the pic below is supposed to say
Merry christmas to all! Everyone post some pics. Tell how your holiday was!

For some reason the message went sigle letter down the side of the card! well whatever. Have a safe holiday.


Christmas 2008

Merry Christmas to all!

Everyone post some Christmas pics!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cooper Timothy Soule - born 8lbs- 7ozs at 2:43 am 12/16/08 21 inches long!

Mother & Baby are fine - Daddy is a lot too tired! Labor lasted 10 hours and was delivered naturally with no complications! Christian had little pain overall. Thanks for the text messages & calls.
-Daddy Jay (from the hospital)

He is here!

Cooper Timothy Soule has arrived!! Christian and baby are doing great!! december 16, 2:43am. 8lbs 8oz!
Congratulations christian and jay!

Monday, December 15, 2008

A baby is on its way!!

Christian is now in the hospital awaiting the birth of Baby Soule" (sex is unknown). She has been in since about 11am EST and has just had an epidural... Mom should be there by now, she drove up this morning from NC. Connie is helping out as well. As soon as I know something, I will post!! She is at Pennisula General Hospital Medical Center.

Monday, December 8, 2008

merry christmas everyone

love poncho and michele

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

summer fades to fall

here are some pictures of madilyn. she just turned one!! hope you all enjoy =)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Congratulations Cameron & James! It will be another exciting addition to the family! I would love to see pictures of all the new babies born already... he hmm Heather Goodwin,,,, I love seeing pictures of Madilyn - thanks!! Where are the rest of you all??? Come on now, I am begging!!!I know i am a pest when it comes to this blog... but everywhere around me here in Hawaii - there are so many extended families... aunties, uncles, cousins... etc... even some of Deans family is here. It just makes me feel a part of an extended family when I see pictures! Dean will be arriving in DC in 2 weeks, so that he will be going to the race with the "guys"... I am not actually sure who is coming to the race.. but I will be darn sure to send the camera with him!!!

Oh, I have put a link to the Maddock family blog right on this page... so please feel free to check us out!!

Lots of love!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

one picture from the reunion

we forgot our camara but i did manage to find this one photo of sarah and madilyn

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So, I know the reunion was last weekend...and I know there HAS to be pictures from it! Now, I am alllllll the way out here waaaaaayyyyyy across the pacific ocean on a tiny little island sooooo far away from any of my family.... I NEED TO SEE SOME PICTURES!!! Ok, so does that get my point across???? Please????
Love you all!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Josh, Jeremy, and Andy in Ocean City going jet skiing with Mike and Emily!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

granny and maddie

thought i would share a picture of Rosie and Maddie...this is such a good picture of these two!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Birthday/Reunion Location is Secure!

We've secured a couple shelters for our reunion at Deep Run park just outside of Richmond. Here's a site with some information and photos:

The park is really easy to get to. It's right off I-64. Here's a map:
Deep Run Park
9900 Ridgefield Pkwy, Richmond, VA
(804) 261-8230
Link: <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=deep+run+park,+va&sll=35.1395,-77.70574&sspn=0.312197,0.571289&ie=UTF8&ll=37.64115,-77.593346&spn=0.075577,0.142822&z=13&iwloc=A>

If you haven't rsvp'd, please do. It looks like we'll have a great turn out. We'll also mail paper invitations with details and directions, so be looking for them over the new couple of weeks.

We look forward to see everyone in August.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Keep in thoughts...

my mom as she travels to Alaska today. Evidentally, her only brother is not doing well at all. He had surgery on his back about a month ago and has never properly recovered. He is now in ICU and they cannot figure out what is wrong with him. His wife has multiple scoloresis and cannot comprehend all that is being told. So, the drs told mom that she should come up there. They do have 2 sons (my and Connies ages), that are there. Let me know is anyone wants her cell phone number, just email me. She is in Norfolk now and going through Cincinatti and then onto Alaska.
Thanks in advance for the thoughts....

PS.... this is the 100th post!! Way to go family... love keeping in touch!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Birthday/Reunion Party!

Thought I would post Pat's e-mail up here just in case someone missed it... More info to come soon!

Dear Goodwin Clan,

There are five cousins turning FORTY this year, Antonio, Brad, Mike, Drew, and Connie, which translates into "must have big party." The final details are still being worked out but the plan is to have a family reunion/birthday celebration at Deep Run Park in Richmond, Va on Saturday August 2nd. The birthday cousins are excited about the prospect of having the biggest birthday party ever, so please put it on your calendars now! We'd like to see as many of the family as possible!

This is just the first of I'm sure many emails, and we're trying to gauge how many people might attend. So, please reply back if you're interested, and let anyone without e-mail (there are still a few) know about the plan. I'm in the process of reserving a picnic area at the park this week.

Oh, I saw this picture (attached) which helped inspire the idea. I thought it would be fun to take the picture again 30+ years later.

We hope to see everyone this summer!

Patrick (and Sarah)

Monday, June 9, 2008


Griffyn saying her speech...

These two she will graduate high school with - class of 2021!

Griffyn graduated from preschool the other day... now she will be off to Kindergarten in the fall. Man, does time fly by fast! Anyway, here are a few pictures from the day....


thought this was to cute

so i'm sure the entire family knows how much mike loves his sleep...well, i could not pass up this chance for the cutest father/daughter picture!!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Cal Ripken, Jr. and Kelly

I recently attended a luncheon with Cal Ripken, Jr., formerly with the Baltimore Orioles (but you all should already know that LOL!)

Okay, I didn't actually attend with him but I was able to speak with him at a reception beforehand.

He was really funny and joked with me a lot about the O's and raising kids.

After the lunch we spoke again and he graciously signed lots of things for my boys that they had given to me that morning!

Hope you all are doing well and I can't wait to
see some of you over the summer. Love Kelly

GO O's !!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

let summer begin

here are some pictures i took of miss. m while at my parents neighborhood pool. the water was just a bit to cold that day, but i think she enjoyed it...if anything, she looked cute in her suit!

Monday, May 26, 2008

More pictures!

We are so enjoying mom being here. Her time here in HI is coming to an end. She has been a HUGE help here - I love having her in the same time zone! Anyway, we went to the beach this afternoon just to relax for a little while and wouldn't you know, I had my camera!! Here are a few pictures of the kids...
Will probably have some more tomorrow - we are headed for a cookout on the beach!

Monday, May 12, 2008

new pictures of madilyn rose stroud

hey everyone~

here are some more pictures of the divine ms. m! i just figured out how to put the pictures on the computer without needing a CD!! ENJOY!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Just wanted to say Happy MOM's day to all the wonderful mommies out there keeping our great big crazy family running.... I would love to hear what everyone did today! I am so lucky that that mom is here visiting and we spent a fun day. We went to church, then to lunch at Chilis and then to get pedicures. A quick run to Starbucks for Frappachinos finished out the day. Here is a picture of our finished product.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A royal affair...

Ok, since it seems to be a bit quiet on here lately, I will grace you with some photos of 9 princess that we had on Saturday to celebrate Griffyn's 5th bday. Although it was April 10, we waited for mom to get here to help celebrate. Now, I know, you wish you could have been here to have some tea, but you can enjoy from afar with these pictures!! Enjoy!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rendezvous in Philadelphia

Hi Everyone,

I had a conference in Philadelphia two weeks ago and was able to meet up with Aunt Audrey, Uncle Bill, Poncho and Michele. We had a great (although too short visit). I can't wait to go home for the wedding in October. School is almost over for the semester!!! I will finish in about a year or so. I will be FINALLY be finishing a Masters in Clinical Psychology and a Masters in Neurodiagnostics (also a psych degree but this one allows you to do testing).
I hope to see a lot of the family in October.



So excited!!

This may not mean much to you all, but to us it is a HUGE deal. Griffyn was accepted into Kamehameha Schools today! This means that she will go there until she graduates from high school. Only 80 children get in each year for kindergarten and over 1500 children apply for those spaces. They are tested and then invited back for classroom observation! Gabriel has been going since kindergarten and will continue there as well. Here is a link to the school if you interested...http://kapalama.ksbe.edu/
I just wanted to share our happy news!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Stroud crowd Seattle house pictures

It's still a work in progress. We finally have the landscaping in the front done, so it doesn't look like a construction project. Come visit us up here in beautiful Seattle sometime!