Thursday, May 31, 2007


Okay, here's my shout out!
Michelle and I went to Vegas in early April with 2 of our friends. While there, we got to see my parents and got to hang out with Pancho lots! (well that's when he was not on the phone w/ his lady...also named Michelle ---yeah that's not a good sign)
He took good care of us all.....especially one particular night that I don't remember much of. Having a strong cousin who has your back is awesome.
ALL of it was so much fun. Charlotte has been on me to post to the blog so I attached these 2 photos.
I almost did not post the picture because in the one of Pancho and I, I am way too tired and way too drunk for words (YEP, full of excuses) I did post it because Pancho looks great. Albeit, he had only been in Vegas a few hours at that point. We had been at 2 bars that CLOSED....yes, some things do close in Vegas. We ended up at a 24 hour bar that had Karaoke...which ended as we were picking our song ! There is a god.
I will post about my children and husband shortly. As you might have guessed, they were not with us on the trip! They are outstanding and I am so blessed.
None of my adorable brood has been picked for any commercials---way cool to Charlotte.
Love to all, Kel

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


So, last week, I took Griffyn for a casting call for a school commercial on the importance of early childhood education. Since it was at Gabriels school, I picked him up and took him with me. They need children of all ages, but not specifically 9 year old boys. When I got there, they told me to let Gabriel audition as well. He was the one who was called! So, last week Thursday, we had to be at a beach (on the other sid of the island) at 6:45am! So, off we go! Gabriels part was nonspeaking, but as part of a group of boys that were listening to a navigator talk to them about how he doesn't use instruments but the tides and stars to navigate. The navigator was actually a real navigator - he just got off a month long sailing trip to japan on the hokulea (if anyone followed it). Anyway - here are a few pictures of Gabriel filming... it is no wonder that a movie takes so long - this part is just about 7 seconds of a commercial and took over 4 hours to film!

I will get the final commercial on a dvd as soon as it is available. Here is a link to his school that produced it..... -.

Aunt Audrey&Uncle Bill

Hi everyone. I am surprising myself and I know Maureen Kelly will be shocked I got on the blogger? Carmen had to talk me through it. First of all Congratulations to Mike,Sarah and anyone else who has accomplished something. We went to Las Vegas the same time Poncho and the girls did but we wern't about to track them down to "check" on there whereabouts. Instead they came to our hotel. We spent a couple of hours drinking,laughing and had a great time. When we got home there was an invitaton in the mail to spend two free days and $l0 gambling money to Atlantic City(Caesars palace). We are going next Wednesday. As close as it is we have never been.We spent 4 days in Rome and 18days on a cruise back. Best vacation we have had. We went to Oakland,Md. for American legion meeting(post paid for it), and goingtfoto the yearly convention
for 7 days in OceanCity July 6th. I am not going any place except to see Michelle every other week(45 minutes away) and to Ohio whenever Andy is in the superbowl. He plays football and baseball which so far undefeated.We are fine. Bill is limping a little more from the stroke but we can deal with that. We both volunteer 3 days a week and have a ball. This ie enough bragging from this old lady. Take care and love oneanother

Thursday, May 17, 2007

From Kevin & Paula

Hello, this is your cousin kevin & paula, we are awaiting our 3rd grandchild it's a girl~Nora will be her first name, still thinking of middle name,by our second daughter jessica(paula's) daughter my stepdaughter she is also getting married on June 1~small wedding. Our first daughter laura just had her second son Nichloas Padding on Paula's birthday, Thomas Lloyd will have his first birthday may 25th the oldest grandchild. Funny , We didnt think we would have grand kids so soon but this is life. I am still in the Guard. Just wanted to send a little news hope all is well.

Take care,

Kevin & Paula

Thursday, May 3, 2007

My News...

does not involve weddings or babies, but I thought I'd share anyway. I'm just about finished with my first year of my PhD program at Syracuse U and have survived my first winter here--watching 140.2" of snow fall (that is 11.68 feet if you were curious). I now have multiple pairs of snow boots and know how to dig my car out from underneath large snowbanks. But soon I am traveling to Charleston, SC to begin my summer research which will hopefully roll into my dissertation project. I'm working at a National Trust site called Drayton Hall (you can visit it at I'm very excited about it and received their 2007 Wood Family Fellowship ($3000). So, I'll be in SC from May 15th-July 12th this summer if anyone finds themselves in the area. In other news, I just found out that I am the incoming Anthropology Graduate Student Organization President. So that's what I'm up to! Now back to writing final papers. Hope everyone is well and enjoying spring!
