Saturday, November 17, 2007

Where is everyone???

It has been almost a month since Sarah posted the beautiful pictures of baby Madilyn! Who, by the way, is a beautiful baby! Congratulations Mike and Liz! How was Halloween for everyone? Anyone have pictures? Heather did send an email with Halle's pictures - send more Heather! When is your baby due??
Any other news out there? What is everyone doing for Christmas?? Thanksgiving?? Please take lots of pictures for me and post them! This is the time of the year when I start feeling homesick a little and want to be with my family back home - so pictures will definately help!
We will be spending thanksgiving here at home with friends - quiet and nice! And last year, we began what I hope will be a new tradition of going out to a wonderful brunch at a fancy hotel! It was so easy and yummy and with a chocolate fountain for desert - i couldn't have asked for anything more!

Please keep Hannah in your prayers as the news was not good this week when they found an agressive mass near her airway. They will stop chemo and begin radiation this week. Also - Hannah's son Jeffrey lost his dad this past year to Lou Gerrigs disease and I am sure he may be having a hard time with this going on with his mom.

Well, I hope all is well - and of course, I am including pictures of my kids!! LOL, One is at Sea Life park with a friend, Dean was able to go back to MD for a NASCAR race -there is a picture of them....and of course, Halloween! Check out Griffyn's fake teeth she just had to wear! Enjoy!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and please send a post soon!!
Lots of love and aloha!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

More of Madilyn

Thanks for all of the well wishes to the new family--I am passing them all on to Mike and Liz! As per the MANY requests, here are more pictures of the new arrival (please note the Redskins blanket--Dad would be so proud!) Most of the pictures are from her first hour of life outside the womb. At the end there is also a picture from Mom's trip to Salisbury. She, Aunt Pat and Uncle Chuck all took off the morning after Madilyn's arrival to visit Uncle Ronnie and Hannah (as well as Connie and Christian + families). They had a great time and were very happy to get to visit with everyone! As you can see they also had a great time on Connie and Henry's farm! Those pumpkins in the background look incredible by the way! I wish we could all take a fall adventure to the Oakley Farm Market! Hope everyone is well!

Love to all!

Friday, October 12, 2007

A brand new family member!!

Madilyn Rose Stroud was born this afternoon at 5:08pm.

She is healthy and beautiful (as reported by Mom and Aunt Pat) and weighed 8lbs. 10oz. and is 21 inches long. Liz is doing well, just very tired!

The Baby is Coming!

Hello Family~

Liz entered the hospital this morning -- labor seems to be progressing slowly right now, but I'll update everyone as we get more news!


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

when is that darn kid coming?

Hey Mike and Liz when is this darn kid coming ?
Well we moved up the wedding from oct. 2009 to oct. 2008 it will be held at
The Old Bermuda Inn in Staten Island.We hope to see everyone there . We send our best wishes to Uncle Ronnie and Hanna. Love Poncho and Michele

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's been a while...

...since I posted pictures- or rather, since anyone posted anything! So, as promised you will be getting pictures of my kids! LOL! We are finally settling into the school year here. Gabriel is in 4th grade and Griffyn in her 4 year old preschool class. I have begun taking classes at the comm college to get a few credintials needed to be able to be the official director at a preschool. Because we have infants, I have to take a few classes. I will tell you - going to college much later in life is so much easier. Well, the classes themselves are easier, it is just the rearranging of schedules and the "will you be home for the kids and give them baths?" - that is the hard part.

Dean is now in VA and will be going to MD this weekend. He is going to make this an annual trip and go to the DOVER NASCAR race. He will be going with Chris (yes, my brother will actually come up for the event!), Henry & Jay (Christian & Connies husbands), Brian (his brother) and Ki ( a friend he brought from here). I have threatened him with lashes if he does not come back with lots of pictures! It would be way too much to ask him to download the pictures since all he knows how to do on the computer is IPOD stuff. But, Connie may come to the rescue! He will be going up to Salisbury on Sat nite and depending on how Hannah is doing - he will probably head back down to VA on Tuesday or Wed.

As for Hannah, she has started her chemo treatments - so far, so good according to Dad. She has just no energy level at all. So, send an email or a card. I am sure she would love to hear from anyone.

So, how is everyone?? Isn't Liz due soon?? How are you feeling?? Drew and Heather - how are you feeling?? Send updates!! ANYONE???

we are thinking of going to Washington DC in March for our vacation - Gabriel is so excited to see the WHITE HOUSE and Smithsonians. I have not been to DC in years - is there anyplace we should not miss? Where should we stay? We would also like to take the kids and go to Amish country and to the chocolate factory. Hershey park wont be open yet - but the factory will. So, send me a list of ideas.....!!

Ok - now is the moment you all have been dreading!!
Lots of love and aloha!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Update from the Strouds

Thought I would send out an update on the Stroud kids. I just took my qualifying exams last weekend--72 hours that I don't ever want to have to repeat again! Won't get my results back for a month, so keep those fingers crossed!

Pat and Lisa are just about finished with the house out in Seattle. You can see it by going to once you're there you will see the heading "House Remodel" click on the title "Very few things left to do" and the picture headings appear at the left. They are good, working hard and getting ready for school to start again. Haley is off to first grade and Mason is in his final year of pre-K.

Mike and Liz are getting ready for their new arrival possibly in early October. They had a 4-D sonogram done and her she is! Amazing the technology these days! I am very excited for the arrival of my newest niece!

Hope everyone is well as the school years begins. We are keeping Hannah in our thoughts and prayers!

Lots of Love!

Friday, August 24, 2007

More prayers needed...

Please keep Hannah in your thoughts over the next few months. This past week she was diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer. It is also in her lymph nodes. They will be going to meet with a team of doctors next week Tuesday to determine the next course of action. If you have time to drop her a note or to call either her or Dad, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and hope everyone else is doing well!

Friday, August 17, 2007

From Aunt Audrey@ Uncle Bill, the senior members

Prayers and thoughts of the Seanz family that none of their residents were hurt or killed in the horrible earthquake in Peru. Be good to each other.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thinking about You

Just wanted to let the Hawaii clan know i was thinking about ya. Hopefully, the hurricane will pass on by with little fanfare. :)


Monday, July 30, 2007


Aloha everyone, I will not punish you with pictures of my children this time! I have a friend in VA, that due to a recent diagnosis of diabetes, will not be able to use thier time share here in Sep. Now, I would love it if any or all of my family would come here and use it....but I know that we all have busy lives and probably cannot. But, if anyone knows of anyone who may be interested in a quick trip out here - we have a timeshare available. I have it listed on my ebay site right now and this is a BEAUTIFUL hotel!! The best part is - it is only 5 minutes from my house so we go there all the time for the beach! It is item# 280138369619 , go to and click on advanced search and enter that number. It really is a great deal as that hotel goes for about $250 a night. Let me know if anyone is interested and I can hook you up with my friend! Please tell your friends as well!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Wedding Slideshow

Summer Fun in OC

Hi, Working and sweating hard. Finally today we have gotten a really good rain. I am posting a few more photos. Most of the ones I have are the same. It was great seeing Kelly and Mike and all "5" kids. Boy Mike is a saint. They were all 7 in a 2 bed hotel room for a week. Mike was so cool and easy going. Henry would have lost it by Monday and we would have been on the way back home. The kids had fun visiting with cousins. It was a well deserved "day off". I didn't realize Michelle's son Joshua and Kelly's son Andrew, and my Thomas were all the same age. All the kids got along real well.
Congrats to Poncho and Michelle, Hope we get to meet you soon and welcome to the family! As crazy as it is. Cameron and Sean congrats on your new house, decorating a new house and planning a wedding - I hope you are planning a relaxing honeymoon.
Mike and Liz - post more photos. Just past your 1 month anniversary! Congrats!
Pat and Lisa is your house done yet. It looked really nice being built hope it is coming along quickly.
Drew and Heather can't wait to see new baby photos.
Well nothng else I can think of right now so I had best get back to work.

Love to all, Stay Cool! Connie

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ocean City Fun!!

First, CONGRATS to Poncho and Michelle!!!!!

Kelly and Mike came down to Ocean City this past week for a family vacation. Connie and I were able to join them at the beach one day (which is amazing, because Connie and I never have a day off!!!)
These are some pics of Kelly & Mike, Kelly's kids (Emily, Andy, and Evan), Michelle's boys (Jeremy and Joshua) and Connie's boys (Thomas and Jacob)...
Connie has more pictures that I will get her to post tomorrow...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Another Wedding!!

Poncho and Michelle were engaged on Monday!! Although we have only spoken on the phone, Michelle is a GREAT future sister-in-law. Aunt Audrey and Uncle Bill loved her and said she was wonderful when they met her at Mike's wedding.
They are tentatively planning an engagement party for New Year's Eve and a wedding in October 2009.
I am staying busy with school and dealing with all of the rain and floods we have had down here. Central Texas has gotten over 20 inches of rain just in the last two months-and its raining now!!
Hoope everyone is having a good summer.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Busy summers?

So its been a while since anyone posted a blog - thanks Cameron for filling us in on the midwest clan! I have been holding off posting pictures of the kids again in hopes that someone will post! LOL I am sure that everyone is having a busy summer. We are - Griffyn is in swimming lessons 3 days a week - although she just developed a swimmers ear infection and she will have to miss a few days. Gabriel just finished summer school - (here it is a privilege to go to summer school), so he is now taking it easy for a few weeks. I started an online class that is an accelerated class in Early childhood - a paper is due every week - I haven't written papers in 15 years! BUT - I got an A on the 2 I have done already!! Dean is busy working - but we are trying to do fun things with the kids (carnival, beach, etc) as much as possible.... I turn 40 in a few weeks! UGHH - I still feel like I am 20! Well, i must get ready for work - here are a few pics! Oh and I got a copy of the commercial gabriel was in - all you see is the side of his face - but he is in it! Does anyone know how to copy a dvd?LOVE ALL of you!
Charlotte in sunny paradise!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Pictures please!!!!

Lady Veronica: I just saw your posting. Saying I am meeting with florists soon to work on wedding flowers, I would love to see some pictures and get some ideas. Feel free to send me pointers, pictures, tips, etc. to or

also, tell Mike we are completely jealous. Utah is absolutely beautiful. Vast areas of wide open spaces.


Updates from the Midwest clan

Hey everyone. So updates from the Midwest....We just got back from Alaska (which is why we missed the festivities down at the beach :( ). Anyway, the trip was amazing. There is no way to adequately describe everything that you see. I will see if Jay can post some pictures, as I am sure they are better than mine. :)

Drew and Heather made the move in April and have settled in nicely. It is great having them close by and to be able to watch my niece grow. Heather is now half way along and baby and mom are doing well. We are looking forward to the new addition in November. Yes, Drew will end up missing some football. hehe.

Other fun news...Sean and I bought a house and will be moving in this weekend. Mom and John felt the need to copy (hehe) and purchased a new house. They decided to buy, close and move all within a two week period. Yes, they needed the vacation.

Wedding plans are coming along. We should have something out to everyone soon so you can officially mark your calendars for March 8th. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and having you there to celebrate with us.

Well, I think that is it for now. Hope everyone is doing well.
Cam and Sean

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Wedding Pictures care of Jay (Christian's husband)

Jay included the following in a blog comment, but I didn't want anyone to miss it:

I've uploaded everything I took to my public gallery under Google's Picasa - the following url will get you there, (when you install the free program you will then be able to download the whole gallery in just one click)

There are some really fabulous pictures in his gallery--not to be missed!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wedding Pictures

Hello Family!

It was so great to see so many of you this weekend and share Mike and Liz's wedding day with you! We have such a fun family! I was wondering if you have photos from the wedding if you would please send them to me at I'm trying to collect them. Thanks Jay for already posting some!

Love you guys,

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hi to all, I heard the wedding was very pretty! Congratulations! The pics are really good. Beautiful Bride and of course groom. Looks like it was a fun time. Sorry we couldn't make it. This is our time of year to make money, and being Christian was off I couldn't spare my self. Sweating it out here on the shore. Sorry I missed you guys Peppy and family Monday. I work in our Berlin store on Mondays and Fridays. But call me next time you come through this way. We can do the RED ROOST! Some good eastern shore seafood.

Anyone doing any fun vacations this summer? Post your photos.

We aren't doing much but working right now so not to much to post or tell about. Thomas turns 12 on Monday! 12 going on 18. Boy I can't wait for the next 8-10 yrs to go by. I can't believe we were ever the way kids are now days when we were teenagers. He has to have a daily attitude adjustment to keep him level. Jacob is having a fun summer playing and working. I think he is gonna burn the tread right off the wheels of his 4wheeler. He zooms around the farm constantly. Henry is working hard farming and driving to Philly every Wed. night to buy the stuff we don't grow. All of our melons and veggies are beginning to ripen now so we are getting ready to get alot busier.

We have rented a house in Hatteras for the week before Thanksgiving so we are looking forward to some down time.

I better get back to work now, Just wanted to say Hi to everyone!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mike & Liz Shroud Wedding

For a computer Techiee I'm working on writing this blog thingy on the fifth try now, seems I don't understand the "save now" verses Publish Post. and the 101 on adding photos isn't going so smoothly. None the less we had a great time and I've got great photos to share!

-Jay Soule' (Christian's husband - she's a cousin of your but not mine)

Alright I added a photo! Let's go for two now...

Sorry about the head turn -

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Central VA Update

Hi to all in all distant corners of the country. Charlotte none of us are writing because the pictures of your kids are so great.... May have a lead on the Wii for your family will let you know if the shipment isn't gone by the time I get there. looks like some of the family will be gathering for the Stroud wedding hope to see many faces. All is well in Central VA life as usual with not alot more than wedding, funeral and anniversary flowers maybe I' ll post pictures of some of my work... My vegetable garden is going great guns with squash plants about 8 feet in diameter and producing daily. Dave is working with my Dad during the day and at Best Buy at night trying to save for spending money for when college starts in the fall. Mike is out wandering the wilds of Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico working with the EPA putting in ground systems to prevent the land from being toxic around oil well drilling sites. Seems to love the area but has discovered as small as Concord is it looks pretty huge compared to some of the towns he has found out west. Their current site is "a small speck of nothing in nowhereville " according to Mike, not even a hotel so they are living in a pop-up camper without shower facilities for the next two weeks, he can't wait to get back to their apartment for a hot shower and air conditioning. He will return to Lynchburg in time for school to start. Mom and Dad are doing well and looking forward to seeing all at VA Beach. Will try this again soon. Ronnie

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Pancho, Audrey, Bill, Michelle and Kelly

Mike's Wedding

Hello Family!

My summer is going well, I've just returned from San Diego where my friends Maren and Fred were married--a beautiful wedding on the cliffs overlooking the Pacific ocean! But, now I'm back in South Carolina and getting ready to drive to Virginia for yet another wedding (on the Atlantic) this weekend. Mom is very curious as to who is attending and when you are arriving, so if you could respond to this blog, or just e-mail me at that would be great! Can't wait to see you!

Love Sarah

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Fathers Day all the dad's out there... hope all the dads had a great day. We spent the day at the beach today - what a beautiful day it was here. Our neighbors have a Wii system and my kids and husband were over there playing all day yesterday. Dean says to me that he would love to have one for fathers day - and so there i am scrambling at the last minute to find one and did not. So, if anyone reading this has any access to a Wii system - i will send you some money! Since we are on an island - we have very limited stores that carry it anyway and as soon as they get them in - they are gone again.... so I am reaching out to my dear, sweet family!! Now, of course, since only Aunt Audrey has posted in the last few weeks - I am going to once again, have to share pictures of my children!!! The top one is Griffyn with Deans niece who is living with us for the summer. She is a VA tech student doing her internship here. See - get posting and I won't be forced to send even more pics!! Lots of love!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Aunt Audrey&Uncle Bill

Hi everyone, Bill and I just came back from Atlantic City to spend the$546 we won in Las Vegas. Plus the room was free. We had a great time but didn't fare as well. We took $400 to gamble ans came back with $200 and some change. It was worth it. We stayed at Caeser's which I wouldn't recommend. There were nice but an old hotel. Connected to it was Bailey's(where we stayn Vegas). We both still volunteer 3 half days a week at the AF hospital. Oh yes, I get acpuncture weekly for weight loss and have lost 27 lbs. since May 1st.Don't know whether this will go through as for some reason I am printing on a different format. Carmen isn't home to direct me. LOve one another. Aunt Audrey See youall at the wedding

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Okay, here's my shout out!
Michelle and I went to Vegas in early April with 2 of our friends. While there, we got to see my parents and got to hang out with Pancho lots! (well that's when he was not on the phone w/ his lady...also named Michelle ---yeah that's not a good sign)
He took good care of us all.....especially one particular night that I don't remember much of. Having a strong cousin who has your back is awesome.
ALL of it was so much fun. Charlotte has been on me to post to the blog so I attached these 2 photos.
I almost did not post the picture because in the one of Pancho and I, I am way too tired and way too drunk for words (YEP, full of excuses) I did post it because Pancho looks great. Albeit, he had only been in Vegas a few hours at that point. We had been at 2 bars that CLOSED....yes, some things do close in Vegas. We ended up at a 24 hour bar that had Karaoke...which ended as we were picking our song ! There is a god.
I will post about my children and husband shortly. As you might have guessed, they were not with us on the trip! They are outstanding and I am so blessed.
None of my adorable brood has been picked for any commercials---way cool to Charlotte.
Love to all, Kel

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


So, last week, I took Griffyn for a casting call for a school commercial on the importance of early childhood education. Since it was at Gabriels school, I picked him up and took him with me. They need children of all ages, but not specifically 9 year old boys. When I got there, they told me to let Gabriel audition as well. He was the one who was called! So, last week Thursday, we had to be at a beach (on the other sid of the island) at 6:45am! So, off we go! Gabriels part was nonspeaking, but as part of a group of boys that were listening to a navigator talk to them about how he doesn't use instruments but the tides and stars to navigate. The navigator was actually a real navigator - he just got off a month long sailing trip to japan on the hokulea (if anyone followed it). Anyway - here are a few pictures of Gabriel filming... it is no wonder that a movie takes so long - this part is just about 7 seconds of a commercial and took over 4 hours to film!

I will get the final commercial on a dvd as soon as it is available. Here is a link to his school that produced it..... -.

Aunt Audrey&Uncle Bill

Hi everyone. I am surprising myself and I know Maureen Kelly will be shocked I got on the blogger? Carmen had to talk me through it. First of all Congratulations to Mike,Sarah and anyone else who has accomplished something. We went to Las Vegas the same time Poncho and the girls did but we wern't about to track them down to "check" on there whereabouts. Instead they came to our hotel. We spent a couple of hours drinking,laughing and had a great time. When we got home there was an invitaton in the mail to spend two free days and $l0 gambling money to Atlantic City(Caesars palace). We are going next Wednesday. As close as it is we have never been.We spent 4 days in Rome and 18days on a cruise back. Best vacation we have had. We went to Oakland,Md. for American legion meeting(post paid for it), and goingtfoto the yearly convention
for 7 days in OceanCity July 6th. I am not going any place except to see Michelle every other week(45 minutes away) and to Ohio whenever Andy is in the superbowl. He plays football and baseball which so far undefeated.We are fine. Bill is limping a little more from the stroke but we can deal with that. We both volunteer 3 days a week and have a ball. This ie enough bragging from this old lady. Take care and love oneanother

Thursday, May 17, 2007

From Kevin & Paula

Hello, this is your cousin kevin & paula, we are awaiting our 3rd grandchild it's a girl~Nora will be her first name, still thinking of middle name,by our second daughter jessica(paula's) daughter my stepdaughter she is also getting married on June 1~small wedding. Our first daughter laura just had her second son Nichloas Padding on Paula's birthday, Thomas Lloyd will have his first birthday may 25th the oldest grandchild. Funny , We didnt think we would have grand kids so soon but this is life. I am still in the Guard. Just wanted to send a little news hope all is well.

Take care,

Kevin & Paula

Thursday, May 3, 2007

My News...

does not involve weddings or babies, but I thought I'd share anyway. I'm just about finished with my first year of my PhD program at Syracuse U and have survived my first winter here--watching 140.2" of snow fall (that is 11.68 feet if you were curious). I now have multiple pairs of snow boots and know how to dig my car out from underneath large snowbanks. But soon I am traveling to Charleston, SC to begin my summer research which will hopefully roll into my dissertation project. I'm working at a National Trust site called Drayton Hall (you can visit it at I'm very excited about it and received their 2007 Wood Family Fellowship ($3000). So, I'll be in SC from May 15th-July 12th this summer if anyone finds themselves in the area. In other news, I just found out that I am the incoming Anthropology Graduate Student Organization President. So that's what I'm up to! Now back to writing final papers. Hope everyone is well and enjoying spring!


Monday, April 30, 2007

Hello from Little Ronnie

Just a quick to note to say to say hi to all. I woke this morning to many thoughts of family and how important it is to have a great family like we have. Today is 17 years since we lost Pappy and 6 months since we have Granny. Just wanted everyone to take a minute to remeber them both. So much has changed for us all in the 17 years but alot has changed in just these six months. We all promised to make a better effort to stay in touch and the blogspot certainly has helped. THANKS to Cameron and Charlotte for all the work we all need to take more time to add stuff to it including me,though Dave is slowly (bless his patience) teaching me how to do things like get photos so I can add things on...soon!
Love to all look forward to hearing from you guys and seeing those we can as soon as we can. "Little Ronnie"

Where is everyone???

Aloha everyone... as much as I love looking at the Seattle Stroud's new and improved house - I would love to hear from everyone! Pat, can we see the updated photos?? Your house is beautiful and it really looks like you put a lot of work into it! Ok, Poncho and Michelle and Kelly - pictures from your trip to Vegas??? Helllllooooooo???? I am sure some of the great grandchildren are/ or are going to prom - lets see those pictures! Mike - I am going to try to come home for your wedding... it was so wonderful seeing all the family - I can't wait to do it under happier circumstances!

Ok - I warned you all - I have more pictures to send of my kids - this is from griffyn's birthday party at the beach yesterday, (her bday was 4/10) and a picture from SeaLife park on Saturday....
Enjoy! Love you all!